

PCS, Networking, and L.I.N.K.S.

In spite of COVID-19 and the movement restrictions that have been put in place, PCS season will s...

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We All Need Networks

“No man is an island.” English poet John Donne penned those words in 1624 to express the idea tha...

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Marine Spouse 101: Four Big Misconceptions I Had About Living on Base

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Tips to Help You Get Through the Holidays During Deployment

Tis the season to be jolly! Your Marine is deployed and it seems as if everyone is counting on y...

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Marine Parents: Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Keeping kids safe on the internet is a challenging task. The popular social networking sites evo...

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Marriage is Easy, Especially Marriage in the Marine Corps – Said No-One Ever!

The challenges of a military lifestyle can place many demands on Marines and their families, and ...

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Happy Birthday Marine: History of the Marine Corps Ball

The annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball is a celebration of Marine Corps history and traditions. I...

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Preparing Your Marine Family for a Local Emergency

Are you aware of what type of natural disaster is most likely to happen in your area? Don’t wait...

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Is the Marine Corps Prepared for Hurricane Matthew?

Emergencies can happen at any time. Hurricane Matthew, which made landfall in the United States o...

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Your Guide to Staying 'Always Ready'

The Marine Corps is known as the 911 force of America, and we have earned this phrase because of ...

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Quick Guide for Deployment Readiness

The key to a successful deployment is preparation. As with any life-changing event, the more prep...

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Marine Corps Birthday Ball: Etiquette Do's & Dont's

The Birthday Ball is one of the biggest events on the Marine Corps calendar. It is a chance to ge...

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