MCRD PI Football Field and Track Closure
The MCRD PI Football Field and Track will be CLOSED 13 March, 2025 - 2 May, 2025 for the installation of a new synthetic track surface and striping. Total duration of the closure is expected to be approimately 60 days, weather permitting.
Phase 1 (March 13-17) : Milling and paving
Phase 2 (March 18-April 13) : 28-day cure period
Phase 3 (April 14- May 2) : Synthetic track surface installation and striping
Substance Misuse
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Substance Assessment and Counseling and Drug Demand Reduction programs offer evidence based programs to educate Marines, Sailors and family members regarding the dangers of alcohol misuse and illegal drugs, and the personal and professional consequences of their actions while under the influence. Programs include:
Substance Assessment and Counseling Program
PRIME for Life® (PFL) 4.5
PFL 4.5 is a half day, evidenced based substance misuse prevention/education course designed for any Marine who may have increased risk for problems associated with alcohol misuse and to enhance motivation for behavior change around the use of alcohol or drugs. Classes are offered monthly or can come to your unit or location.
Experiential Learning Activities
Using the Fatal Vision Goggles, a golf cart/tricycles and a few strategically placed cones, Marines and Sailors are given the opportunity to be “under the influence” in a controlled environment to experience the impact of alcohol and/or drugs on their brain. Participants will take part in activities that test their depth perception, vision and balance. Other experiential learning activities utilizing PMO or local law enforcement are available upon request.
Alcohol Screening Program (ASP)
The Alcohol Screening Program is done in conjunction with Random Drug Screening of 10% of the Units’ population. It is a unit-level deterrence tool to identify alcohol misuse and direct appropriate intervention before any career or life-altering incident occurs. All Alcohol Screening Program Coordinator (ASPC) are appoint in writing.
Drug Demand Reduction Program
The Drug Demand Reduction Program (DDRP) covers the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort (MCAS), Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), Eastern Recruiting Region (ERR), and Marine Detachments – South (MARDETs). The Drug Demand Reduction Program covers 59 commands and is guided by Marine Corps Order 5300.17A Substance Assessment and Counseling Program. The Drug Demand Reduction Program Coordinator (DDRPC) works directly with Commanders and their assigned Substance Assessment Coordination Officer (SACOs) with ensuring compliance with MCO and other directives. The DDRPC conducts all SACO & UPC Training certification, the Medical Review Process, and is the Systems Administrator for Internet Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Lab (iFTDTL) & Web Drug Testing Program (WebDTP).
Unit Briefings
One hour Unit Briefs can be tailored to fit your individual command needs and can include topics of alcohol misuse prevention, 0 1 2 3 drinking guidelines, drug demand reduction education, consequences of alcohol, illicit drug, supplements, and prescriptions and over the counter medications misuse.
Contact Information and Resources
Substance Assessment and Counseling Program (SACP) - MCAS Beaufort
Phone: 8432286003
Follow Us:
Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday | 0730-1600 |
Drug Demand Reduction Program
Phone: 8432287210
Mobile: 8438120414
Follow Us:
Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday | 0700-1600 |