Brig & Brew

On this page:
On this page:

This sports bar once had a very different set of bars. Brig & Brew is one of the first permanent structures on MCRD Parris Island and was used as the Depot Brig for nearly 100 years.

Contact Information and Resources
Brig & Brew

Phone: 8432281544

Hours of operation:

Tuesday 1600-1900
Wednesday 1600-2100
Thursday (Grad Days) 1030-2200
Thursday (Non-Grad Days) 1600-2200
Friday 1600-2000
Saturday 1800-2200

*Hours may be extended to support customer demand.

Recreation Center
Tuesday 1000-1900
Wednesday 1000-2000
Thursday (Grad Days) 1030-2200
Thursday (Non-Grad Days) 1600-2200
Friday 1600-2000
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