Domestic Violence Awareness Month Recap
4 November, 2024
October marked Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the MCCS Family Advocacy Program led efforts to raise awareness and offer support to individuals and families affected by domestic violence. The month commenced with participation in the Semper Fit Awareness Run and a proclamation by CO Bortnem, highlighting the importance of standing against domestic abuse. To further the impact, the Family Advocacy Program hosted two key events to educate and empower the community.
The first event, Walk in My Shoes, took place on Wednesday, 16 October at Afterburners on MCAS Beaufort. Participants walked through interactive scenarios reflecting real-life experiences of abuse, designed to build empathy and demonstrate available resources for those facing similar challenges.
On Thursday, 17 October, a Domestic Violence Lunch and Learn at Fourwinds on MCRD Parris Island welcomed providers from MCAS, MCRD, and the Naval Hospital. The session featured Rose Ewing, a community educator from Hopeful Horizons, who shared insights on recognizing and preventing the many facets of abuse. Lunch was served, and participants left with a renewed commitment to support survivors and raise awareness.
As we enter November, the holiday season brings a special time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Yet, it's also essential to remember that this season can be difficult for those experiencing grief, loneliness, or missing loved ones. MCCS has resources available to help navigate these challenges. The Community Counseling Program offers confidential, non-medical counseling for individuals, couples, groups, and families to help manage life’s stressors. This support is available to service members—both active duty and retired—and their families. Let’s make sure to celebrate responsibly, keeping an eye out for one another. If you or someone you know needs support, reach out today by calling 843-228-6562. There is No Wrong Door—help is here.